Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Interview 1 - Sneha Oberai - The Magical Hands behind Paper Shapers

Due apologies for being inactive here for various personal commitments. Its long long time since I penned down on my blog. This gap of 7 months brought a lot of changes in my life. Learnt more forms of handmade jewellery, took additional responsibilities at work, got married :), became closer with artistic friends and much more…

So coming to the actual point.

As a long time wish, I always wanted to interview my artist friends. I wanted to learn about various crafts from them and spread it to the world. And also share my novice knowledge on crafting. I also wanted to publish these as a series of interviews. So that, as years pass, I would look back and boast that ARTIST is my friend.

So my wish has come true. Here is the interview with a crafter friend of mine Sneha Oberai, Artist, Paper Shapers.

Why wait. Go ahead.

Jayashree Ravi - Tell us something about you and your background.

Sneha Oberai - I come from a very humble background. I had a wonderful and creative childhood. My parents have always encouraged and supported me.

Sneha Oberai, Artist, Paper Shapers

JR - Where did crafting start in your case?

SO - It started at a very early stage; when I was 4-5 yrs old. I used to see my aunt making and teaching different art styles. During this period, crafting started budding inside me. During my schools days I used to take parts in art and craft activities. I have completed my graduation in Interior Design.

JR - Which one do you consider as your masterpiece as of now?

SO - Each and every piece I have made or yet to make is a masterpiece for me; as they all are a small part of my self. I would like to share my recent terracotta work.

Sneha Oberai's
Recent Terracotta Work

JR -  Which type of crafting you like the most?

SO - I am passionate about paper. Its crispness and versatility has always attracted me.

JR - Who is your inspiration?

SO - As I mentioned paper as my favorite type of craft; my favorite paper artist is Ms. Manuela Koosch. She has inspired me to opt quilling.

JR Share your most favorite works.

SO - My personal favourite list includes the following:
1. Manuela Koosch 

2. Anand Prakash

3. Paper Panda

4. Little Circles Paper Quilling 

JR - What attracts you to your hobby/hobbies?

SO- In simple words "Freedom of expressions."

JR - If you could be any crafter/artist (past or present) for a day who would it be and why?

SO - Oh! This is so tempting! Many names are running in my mind right now, but I think I would not choose any of them. Their work is just perfect and I haven’t reached that point yet.

Handmade by Sneha Oberai at Paper Shapers
  JR - If you had magic powers what 3 things would you do to advance the crafting movement?

SO - 
  • First wish - I will help people in finding the craftsman hidden inside them. 
  • Second wish - I will provide proper resources and the support they would need.
  • Third wish - I will inject the quality of appreciation in people, so that they can appreciate other’s work.
JR - Besides family/friends/home/health what is your most cherished possession?

SO - My skills
Handmade by Sneha Oberai at Paper Shapers

JR - What do you feel are the most important qualities of a good crafter?

SO - A crafter should be an observer, versatile, wide-minded, strong regarding their work, opportunist, and of course creative.

Handmade by Sneha Oberai at Paper Shapers

JR - We live in such a ready-to-wear, buy-it-now society where everything is either a click or a short drive away. Why should people continue to make things by hand?

SO - Making things by hand is like a meditation. We crafters/designers make things not only to sell them but to enhance our skills. Handcrafted products involve so many craftsmen from rural area also. For their well-being and employment handcrafting industry plays an important role. 

JR - What do you do to keep yourself, your space, and your time organized?

SO - I have my schedule of the day for my daily chores but they don’t include my crafting time. Apart from working on projects I am not at all organized regarding my craft. Sketching and executing for different crafts sometimes happen at the same moment. For my craft space, I keep separate boxes with label for my tools and supplies. 

JR - When do you feel the most creative?

SO - Mostly when I'm in my studio I feel creative but sometimes after a nap in the middle of the night I feel it and start working on my projects.
Handmade by Sneha Oberai at Paper Shapers

JR - Do you think you’ve “made it”?

SO - No. I don’t think so. There is still a lot to learn and a lot to achieve.

JR - What sorts of things are inspiring you right now? Where do you look for inspiration?

SO - As people say “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” requirement inspire me to create; and not to forget internet and social media.

JR - What do you do to make your workspace an enriching and inspiring place to be?

SO - A big window, plants hanging, my tools and soft music is more than enough to make my studio a rocking place to be at.
Handmade by Sneha Oberai at Paper Shapers

JR - How would you describe your style? Are there any crafters/artists/designers that you particularly look up to?

SO S - I would describe my style as subtle and fresh. Designer i look up to is: Mr. Anand Prakash. He is a super talented collectibles, stationary and accessories designer. He works with metal and paper.

JR - What are your can’t-live-without craft-room essentials?

SO- Tools, supplies, music, fresh air and of course my thinking hat.
Handmade by Sneha Oberai at Paper Shapers

JR - What are your future plans?

SO - I am planning to establish a brand name under which I will try to teach craft. I want to build a platform for people to showcase their talent.

JR - It was a great knowledge sharing with you Sneha. Wish you good luck for all your future efforts. 

SO - Good luck to you too :) 

Visit Sneha's Facebook page for even more mesmerizing creations :)

Good Luck people. See you soon with an another wonderful interview. 


Jayashree Ravi