Saturday, 29 April 2017

Being in your twenties in India, means so much.

  • You know you will be questioned if you stay out past 10 p.m. 
  • You are even closer to your mom.
  • You start liking old songs unlike previously. 
  • You might not know exactly where your life is going, but you've realized that you’re the captain of your own destiny.
  • You will no longer have long vacations like at your school.
  • Your friends will become busy unusually. 
  • You would've received your first job. 
  • You would've received your first pay cheque. 
  • You start keeping track of your expenses. 
  • All those amazing college friends you swore you’d never lose contact with after college yeah, well, you might lose contact.
  • In order to see your friends, you actually have to make an effort to see your friends.
  • Your friends will start getting married. 
  • People will start questioning about your marriage. Marriage WILL NOT fix any of your problems. No, instead marriage will put a magnifying glass on how many problems you really have. 
  • You have no idea where you are in your career.
  • You don't need to buy expensive wrinkle creams because guess what? You don't have wrinkles.
  • Being independent is a great part of your 20s, but sometimes we all still need a little help from our parents while we are transitioning.
  • No more exams. Once you're out of college, the rest of your 20s can be spent not studying and concentrating on things you actually like doing.
  • Being a 20-something is super trendy right now. There are books about us, magazine articles about us, and songs about us.
  • You have a lot of emotional songs on your playlist.  
  • You seem to have the “You are not a girl, not yet a woman” mentality.
  • You are more beauty conscious. 
  • You are made fun if you purchase stuff toys.
  • You are eligible to choose your life partner. 
  • You have another new set of friends, your colleagues.
  • You are happy when gifting your dear and near ones with your own salary. 
  • You enjoy your lonely hours. 
  • You start feeling the warmth from a coffee mug
  • You would create a new professional email ID. 
  • Your mobile will never be “Fully Charged”
  • You are filled with a lot of uncertainty about your life. 
  • You understand the fact that your parents are becoming older. 
  • You will realize that not all your dreams come true.