Sunday, 9 June 2013

Life is not a bed of roses

Life is Beautiful :) 

Life is not a bed of roses, goes a saying...
What comes to your life is not a just like happening...
Life will bring you equal amount of troubles and delights..
Why is life not easy..??
Did you emanate out into world without any pain?
Life doesn't start in morning & doesn't end in evening.
It starts when you don’t need it & it ends when you need it most.
Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow…
Sometimes we must fail in order to know…
Sometimes we must lose in order to gain…
Some lessons in life are best learned through PAIN....
Accept pain as it comes..
Pain will come with a voucher of pleasure, valid only after your pain get exhausted…
Life is really humble, but we title on making it intricate
Take life as it comes...
Life only comes around once, make sure you spend it right… 
The Beauty of Life does not only depends on how happy you are... 
But also how happy others can be because of you!!!
Why always a bed of roses???
Whenever we come across a daring situation,
Look at the other side...
You will be surprised to see a tranquil way to wrestle the problem
Try out and hunt out for more...
Life is a long journey...

Move on!!

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